Improve the safety and quality of our workplace environment by
eliminating injuries and ensuring a happy, healthy and productive workplace.
In 2008 member companies of the CHFA Safety Group received $231,963 in rebate cheques from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB). The rebates for the previous year were $238,794. The CHFA has been a member of the WSIB Safety Groups Program since its inception in 2000. Over the past eight years CHFA Safety Group members have received a total of $1,632,214.
The Safety Groups Program promotes workplace health and safety through mentoring, pooling of resources and the sharing of best practices between participating firms. Member companies are encouraged and supported as they develop good health and safety programs. This program is also an excellent networking opportunity for health and safety professionals.
As part of the program, member firms select five safety elements they will initiate or improve upon over the course of a year. Representatives from these firms attend meetings, share ideas and resources; learning from each other how to put these initiatives into place. By improving workplace safety, the firms have the chance to reduce their WSIB premiums and earn financial rebates. There is no fee for CHFA members who join the program.
In order to find our more about the Safety Group Program you may visit the WSIB website at Click on English or French. In the green highlighted column marked Prevention click on Programs. Scroll down the page and click on Safety Group Programs which is in orange letters. .
Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings to get an idea of what the program is all about. Please give me a call at 905-677-6561 if you have any questions.

Murray Vaughan